Y12SR connects the ancient wisdom of yoga with the practical tools of 12-step programs and research on trauma healing. Y12SR works in tandem with traditional treatment to address the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction. The program serves people recovering from all manifestations of addiction, from behavioral to substance abuse to being a loved one impacted by the addiction of others.
Modeled from the meetings of 12 step programs, the Y12SR is a group-sharing time followed by an intentional yoga practice for all levels lead by Monica Jarzyna.
Monica is a RYT 200, Y12SR Certified Leader and a Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant (COTA/L). Monica has worked as a COTA/L for over 20 years with the aging and developmentally and physically differently-abled people. With the passion to serve others, she found the silver lining during the COVID shutdown to invest in the Y12SR program and Radiant Warrior training offered by the Yoga Farm Ithaca, where she completed her RYT 200 through Yoga Alliance. Immediately after completing her Y12SR training, she started sharing on ZOOM and in person at 12 step meetings.
Monica is looking forward to providing Y12SR to our community and surrounding areas as a part of a holistic recovery program. Y12SR is not a replacement to traditional treatment but rather an adjunct tool to address “The issues that live in our tissues."
Classes are a suggested $10 donation but NO ONE is turned away, YOU are more important than your money. The donations collected are distributed to the meeting space provider and the Y12SR Community OutReach Initiative (COI). With your donations, COI can bring Y12SR to under-resourced treatment centers, rehab facilities, and halfway houses that would otherwise not have the funds to underwrite such programming; ensuring that those of highest risk to relapse have access to the benefits of Y12SR.
Ritz Mountain Yoga